Today is International Women’s Day. If you live in the United States it is possible that you have never heard of International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day was started by the United Nations in 1975 in order to focus on women’s status around the world. The agenda for 2016 is to build on the UN Millennium Development Goals including empowerment of women and girls as a core means of tackling economic underperformance, global overpopulation and poverty worldwide.
What does this all mean to me? How can I make a difference? How can I change just 1 girls life? Dr. Anju Ranjit and Project for a Village, Inc. have developed the TEJ Initiative, which stands for The Educational Journey. TEJ is an after school program where girls in grades 9-12 meet weekly with mentors. The curriculum is currently being offered a rural village school in Nepal, but this is only the beginning. Even with the difficulties in Nepal in 2015 we were able to begin a new chapter of TEJ after school classes in a school in a rural village school in Dhading, Nepal. The girls are happy to be given an opportunity to interact with each other through the guidance of the curriculum and mentors.
How can you help? TEJ cannot exist without the support of our generous donors. For more information and how to donate please visit,