by Jennifer Vosters | Aug 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
Something is wrong.Instagram token...
by Jennifer Vosters | Mar 8, 2019 | Uncategorized
Welcome to one of our favorite days of the year! Exactly one year ago, Project for a Village arrived in Nepal for our 2018 health camp. Today, our volunteers leave the U.S. to launch our seventh camp and visit our friends and partners in our favorite place on Earth....
by Jennifer Vosters | Oct 1, 2018 | Charity, Girl empowerment, Nepal, Philanthropy, Uncategorized
Happy October, PFAV friends and family! We hope you enjoyed a great summer. As we progress into fall, we want to let you know what we’re up to here at Project For A Village. October 11 is the UN-sponsored International Day of the Girl, dedicated “to...
by Jennifer Vosters | Mar 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
Happy International Women’s Day! It seems perfect that #IWD2018 coincides with the day our intrepid volunteers arrive in Nepal! The worldwide theme of this year’s Women’s Day is #PressforProgress. For many women in Nepal, progress comes from access:...
by Jennifer Vosters | Mar 7, 2018 | Girl empowerment, Kathmandu, Nepal, Philanthropy, Travel, Uncategorized
It begins! The first round of PFAV volunteers is on their way to Nepal by way of Guangzhou, China. After flying out of Los Angeles late Tuesday night, they will land in Kathmandu on Thursday, March 8 in the afternoon, KTM time (which will be in the middle of the night...